Can you believe this?
The MTA is taking away the student Metro cards because its costing them too much money.
Taking away these Metro cards will fill a 400 million dollar gap in their budget. you're going to ruin thousands of educations because of money ?
Destroy thousands of futures because of money?
This is an extreme shock.
Money is not everything.
Its better to sacrifice as to make our future a better one, then to be stingy and ruin any development for our world.
I guess its too late for us to do anything, protesting may not get us anywhere.
A monthly Metro card costs $90.
90 times 12 is 1080
$1080 !
wow !
That's A LOT !!
$8.25 for an unlimited one day Metro card
8.25 times 365 is 3011.25
8.25 times 366 is 3019.50
$3011.25 and $3019.50 is a lot of money in a year.
This is utterly a disappointment.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Posted by AMiNA at 12/19/2009 01:53:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
A Klondike bar is the best thing on Earth.
I can just sit there and eat them all day !
Now, you're probably thinking I might get fat, yet a Klondike bar has only 100 calories.
It's a simple square vanilla ice cream coated with a hard chocolate shell.
Each one costs $ 1.50.
If you were to eat one everyday, it'll be about $ 549 per year.
So, lets be wise and buy the pack.
One pack of 6 costs about 4.50 in my neighborhood, ( Idk about you, but I'm getting a very generous price).
What Would I Do For A Klondike Bar?
I would go to a store and GLADLY buy one.
Posted by AMiNA at 12/18/2009 02:17:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I love Lady Gaga. If you don't like her, you and I WiLL have BiG problems.
Why do I like Lady Gaga?
Shes simply the best artist of the year.
Her style is Gagalous!
I like all the songs i hear that she sings in.
Even Beyonce recognizes how much talent Lady Gaga possesses.
They Collaborated on two fantastic songs:
Video Phone-Beyonce Ft lady Gaga
Telephone-Lady Gaga ft Beyonce
Phone Stuff....What a coincidence.
I always digress but anyways Lady Gaga is the BEST!
Dare To Disagree.....
Posted by AMiNA at 12/12/2009 01:53:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Pizza is the best food on Earth !
I love pizza, I would eat it EVERYDAY.
I really would.
Everybody knows that Pizza is Italian.or is it ?.., but is that all behind its story?
Well, of course not.
This will be like a journey through the foundation of pizza.
It's a world-popular dish of Neapolitan origin.
Modern pizza originated in Italy however.
A lot of cultures have contributed to pizza, making it the tastiest food there is today.
Nothing is better than a cold winter night with a good movie and hot pizza with garlic..
Posted by AMiNA at 12/06/2009 01:56:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
The name itself basically tellls you what the website is about. is a website to simply find jobs.
You can select the category of jobs you're looking for, so you actually get alternatives.
You can look for local jobs, whether its a construction worker, health care jobs,
almost every type of job there is!
You can post your resume, and this website always gives you tips for getting hired at a job!
You"ll have to sign up first though,
this website offers you opportunities to make your life a better one, and find a satisfying career.
You'll have to sign up first, that's like contributing to the website for all the help they can and will give you.
So instead of playing dress up games on the computer all day, lets go on a Job Hunt!
Posted by AMiNA at 12/04/2009 02:17:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Even the name of this website gets you hungry doesn't it?
Well here it in the words of the website itself:
"the best place for food lovers"
After looking at it, I've found out that this website offers a variety of cooking recipes, even for dieters!
It also gives some Did You Knows For example,
"The average American consumes 1,500 pounds of food each year."
Now did you know that?
Most likely not.
I would recommend this website to people who love cooking, and love trying out new food.
Have you been feeling down lately?
Then go try out a new recipe!
But you have to create an account first, so lets go!
Posted by AMiNA at 12/01/2009 02:09:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
This is a perfume...Duh! By Cynthia Rowley.
This Perfume smells extraordinary. I'm wearing it right now ;) Lol
I really love it!!
It's the best perfume ever!
It's called Avon Flower By Cynthia Rowley.
With the help of Avon, Cynthia Rowley has captured the scent I've been looking for quite a while. She has captured this scent and has given it to me in this joyful bottle.
This here is Avon Petal by Cynthia Rowley..Of course
This also smells good, and comes in a smaller bottle.
The name of this perfume fits its scent perfectly.
It's like all the petals in the world were again captured and given to us in a pretty pink bottle.
I Love it :Dand here is the ideal for making perfume
Cynthia Rowley!
But don't take my word for it, try the perfumes yourself.
My aunt is an Avon Representative, so if you're interested in purchasing these miracles, then just leave a comment below on my blog.
Or you can simply go to the website.
Follow this link : AVON!
Posted by AMiNA at 11/29/2009 02:08:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Everybody Knows About Google, I Call It "The Site For Everything, Everyday"
Google Helps You Search Either For Information Or Pictures.
It Also Gives You A Free Email Account Called G mail. Its A Big Corporation, That Was Founded By Larry Page And Sergey Brin While They Were Students At Stanford University.
The Name Of Google Comes From Gogol , Which Refers To The 10^100.
It Benefits Everybody.
Young, Old
Black, White
Fat, Skinny
It Also Has A Wide Variety Of Web Applications, Google Is Popping!
Google is An Infinite Possibility :]
Posted by AMiNA at 11/24/2009 02:21:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
AiM x]
Everybody has an AIM account. Well, teenagers mostly. If yo don't have an AIM, then you must be like 18077664 years old!
Even the weirdest people I know got AIM, so if the weirdest people have AIM, then why Shouldn't you?
AIM stands for AOL Instant Messenger.
So, its basically like an instant messaging system where you can I.M your friends, see their status updates and stuff like that.
Then Sign Up!
But Before You Sign Up, Here's Vocabulary You Need To Know.
( If You're Not Really An Internet Person )
Just Know That Everybody On AIM has a writing Style,
The Most Annoying Ones Are People That Write L!k3 D1S
I Mean Come On Like Seriously.
I have My Own Writing Style too, it just depends on who I'm Talking to.
Well, Here's Some Vocab For You!
1) LOL= Laugh Out Loud
20 TTYL= Talk To You Later
3)IHY OR ILY= I Hate You Or I Love You
4)SMH- Shaking My Head
And so on and so forth
its basically like shortening words, it's easier to understand and also saves you time and energy :)
I used to be a BIG Aim head/ Aim freak (Aim language)
Its like an addiction, im trying really hard to stop.
Posted by AMiNA at 11/22/2009 03:47:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I recently discovered a song:
Hurt by Christina Aguilera.
Its so sad.I Vote that we give it the saddest song of the year loll
Watching The video Almost Made Me Cry
Singers should definitely make more songs like this.
Christina Aguilera has an amazing voice.
I was just like WOW!
To Listen To The Song & Or Watch The Video,
Go To You tube, And Type in Christina Aguilera Hurt Official Video
And Its
Guaranteed to make you Cry Indeed :-P
Posted by AMiNA at 11/15/2009 08:47:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Posted by AMiNA at 11/12/2009 04:44:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Don't you ever remeber watching a t.v show about all the bullying freshmen students go through?
Well, EVERYTHING(even reality shows) on T.V are FAKE!
High school is not at all like T.V summarizes it as.
High school has some challenges, yeah but in BBA, I mean yeah, they gave the freshmen boys wedgies lol
but there was nothing serious.
The hardest thing about high school is the homework!
For the first marking period, I thought I did pretty good.Three Excellentsand Four satisfactories.
I thought I did pretty good, since I'm a freshmen and I'm still adjusting.
The journey would be hard, but I know I can make it through.
Posted by AMiNA at 11/08/2009 04:47:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
E! Online is like the magazine E! but its online.
So why waste money on a magazine, when if you go on E!,
you can save money and possibly help the planet in some little way.
E! is like opening up the world online.
It has everything teenagers would be interested about.
For example:
New movies, Interviews with Celebrities, and Celebrity Couples. Movie Reviews, Fashion, Photos, Videos, pretty much everything!
But the thing I like the most about it is that they give opinions.
But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself.
Posted by AMiNA at 11/04/2009 02:21:00 PM 0 comments
Technology has evolved a great deal over time.
From computers that weighted tons, to portable ones weighing about 2 pounds or less.
From no cellular phones, to phones that can do the same thing a computer does, sometimes even more.
iPods, iPhones, Sidekicks
Can you imagine going a single day without these?
Inventions, Theories, Advances in Medicine, have all contributed to what our lives are now and how we live it. The evolution of technology has made our lives easier, better, longer and also safer.
Are you interested in seeing the evolutions of technology, then click on this link below.
How technology has evolved over time
Posted by AMiNA at 11/04/2009 02:04:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
It seems like every little loves the color pink. That little girl was once me.
(This is so catchy! Maybe I should start writing poems)
Don't you ever wonder why little girls tend to love pink ?
Just yesterday I was a little full of love for the color pink
Its funny how fast we grow out of our habits.
My favorite colors are purple, and baby blue.
Completely different from two years ago.
Posted by AMiNA at 11/03/2009 04:24:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
These days, it seems like everybody thinks their zodiac is the best
But the truth of the matter is that, us libras are the ish!
When you think about it, even thought most Libras have a difficult life, we always make it through.
I know everything about how Libras and their reactions to Cancers.
Cancers ugh!
No Offense if You're a cancer, but Cancers and I dont clash together.
Its like adding gas to fire: H O R R i B L E !
Even if I get along with a Cancer, I always feel like they're trying to steal something from me or I just feel uncomfortable around them.
You're probably thinking that I base my life on the Zodiac, but this is reality.
believe it or not
Every cancer that I meet always makes me feel out of my place.
Posted by AMiNA at 11/02/2009 07:46:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Posted by AMiNA at 10/30/2009 07:47:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Michael Jackson was one of the BEST dancers that ever lived. No other artist will EVER match up to his talent. Watching this video made me realize we really lost a great artist. It also made me realize that life is short, so we should live it up while we can. Not only was he an incredible artist, he was also an incredible human being. He donated a lot, to hospitals and he donated so much to children, helping them in every way he can.
If you saw how many contributions to charities he made, you would know what I'm talking about.
The following link leads to the list of contributions Michael Jackson made to charities.
I was really hyped for his comeback, his music was Amazing!His songs were simply irresistible!I Cant belive he died, the clip of Michael Jackson's "This Is It" shows him healthy as ever! Unfortunately, None of us can escape from death's hands, and that goes for the King Of Pop also.
Posted by AMiNA at 10/25/2009 06:12:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I really want to go to Korea someday. The passion I have for Korea is like a itch, You cant stop thinking about it.
I LOVE Korean Dramas.
My FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE Drama of ALL time is "Boys Over Flowers"
I Watch KBS ( Korean Broadcasting System) ALL the time.
Well, whenever I can that is.
I wanna try some Korean food.
Especially Kimchi. Its a traditional Korean vegetable side dish. Its also spelled gimchi or kimchee.
kimchi is healthy and tasty, what more could anybody want?
Posted by AMiNA at 10/21/2009 07:00:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Music is a big part of my life. When I'm sad, music comforts me, as a mother would do to her child. I mean, when I think about it, music releases my soul and gives me fresh new courage. I listen to all types of music, from rock to hip hop. As a black girl, most people would think that I would listen to mostly hip hop, rap and RNB, But girl is so not me. I'm sometimes shocked at how many varieties of music I like. Its sometimes crazy, but that's who I am and Nobody can change that.
Three Of My Biggest Music Influences Are Lady Gaga, 3Oh!3 And Beyonce!
Below Are The Links To Each Of Their Websites:
Lady GaGa
Posted by AMiNA at 10/14/2009 02:14:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it honored Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people".
The Nobel Foundation
The Quote Link
"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population," the committee said of Barack Obama.
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," It added.
Other Presidents To Have Won This Prize Are:
Jimmy Carter Jr (2002)JIMMY CARTER JR.,
Woodrow Wilson(1919) THOMAS WOODROW WILSON
Theodore Roosevelt (1906) THEODORE ROOSEVELT
Posted by AMiNA at 10/09/2009 01:58:00 PM 0 comments